Home / Dad Blog / #20: Attack on Parents Sharing on Social Media- I Have a Few Thoughts

#20: Attack on Parents Sharing on Social Media- I Have a Few Thoughts


I stumbled across an interview on ABC about a woman who created a blog that mocks parents for over sharing.  The website is supposed to serve as a guide for parents as to what not to share.  Basically people take screen shots of posts on social website that appear inappropriate or basically share too much information.

Helicopter ParentsI did some browsing around briefly and found some posts that seemed a little over the top.  One mom shared a picture of her son sitting on her lap.  On the side of her son’s head was poop.  Apparently her son got a hold of his poop and stuck it to the side of his head.  The mother apparently felt that it was worthy of sharing to her friends and family.

I clicked on the Holiday Category and saw numerous posts of parents going overboard with purchasing Easter chocolate for their children.  Most pictures had enough chocolate to hold over a family for months.

A post that is favored by many on the site is a mother that posts fake conversations that she has with her daughter.  It’s a bit weird and hard to explain. Essentially you would have to see the post the get the feeling of how weird it is.

The last post I read was related to a mother venting about vaccines that were unethical in her eyes.  She received some push back on the issue from her friends or followers.

MY THOUGHTS (what is bugging me)

Apparently the owner of this blog has been anonymous for 4 years until she decided that she wanted to publish a book.  It’s hard to sell and promote a book when no one knows who the author is.  The website owner/author in my eyes tries to sell the idea that the website is teaching parents what not to post.  But let’s be real, that’s like tabloids saying they share what they do in magazines because they are trying to teach others how not to act.

The website itself seems to be partial entertainment and partially about the author commenting on the various snapshot postings.  It isn’t about teaching what is appropriate to share and what isn’t appropriate to share.


If people that I am friends with on Facebook don’t like what I am sharing or saying, then they can always unfriend me or at the very least not have my postings in their feeds.  I don’t force people to listen to what I say or to agree with me.  My social networking followers have the choice to turn me off.

I have turned off the feed for many of the people on Facebook.  The only reason I don’t un-friend them all together is because I don’t want them to be offended.


People are always going to say something that seems inappropriate to some and not to others.  Politic postings always offends someone during the election, yet we don’t find ourselves mocking the political Facebook user on a special website.  And even if we did it wouldn’t teach them anything about how to talk on Facebook.

People will never fit into the way we each think others should act.  If we all were the same then I guess the STFU website wouldn’t exist.  But the fact of the matter is that these posts aren’t hurting anyone.  These are just social media posts we don’t’ agree with.

If you want to judge people, then there are plenty of targets to choose from on People of WalMart that you can make fun of.


The kicker on this story is that the owner of the blog who is the author of this new book isn’t even a parent. Yet she has had something to say about parents sharing for the past 4 years.  Maybe when she has a child she might change her feelings on the use of social media as a parent.

Have a great day overprotective parents.



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