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Appreciating Life pictureHi, my name is Andrew and I’m a father of two wonderful children.  I am also a husband to the most amazing wife a guy could ever have.  I have been blessed abundantly with my family and I cherish every moment of it.

I’m not swayed by the latest fad of how a child should be raised, but that doesn’t keep me from learning how to be a better father and husband.  I don’t raise my children exactly like I was raised. I do take those experiences and use them as a foundation for the way I raise my own.

I enjoy sharing my experiences and my points of view with others as I believe it will help other fathers and mothers in the pursuit of becoming better parents.  Many times you will likely read about my relationship with my wife as my she is my partner in this parenting adventure.

I had been wanting to start a dad blog or a parenting blog for some time. Because of that desire my brother and I started a podcast that has been quite successful called the American Dad Podcast. Our other host is a friend who is a new father and quite comical. Even though I enjoy talking about fatherhood I found that talking about being a dad wasn’t enough so I began writing my thoughts and experiences in this blog.

Since I feel as if I would be considered an over protective parent, it didn’t take long for me to figure out the name of this dad blog.

I am looking forward to this journey and I appreciate you taking the time to read this.



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