Home / Dad Blog / #34: Participating Dads – I Think it’s Happening More Than Ever

#34: Participating Dads – I Think it’s Happening More Than Ever

When I was a Kid

“When I was a kid” is the most classic phrase ever spoken by anyone…ever.  Well I am going to use it because it fits nicely into my story and even more to the point I want to make.

So when I was a kid mothers always seemed to be the ones picking up their children from school.  Either that or you were walking home.  I don’t recall seeing fathers at the schools waiting for their kids.  Maybe this was a generational thing or maybe there were just more stay at home moms but one thing is for sure, I didn’t see dads.

When I was a kid dads didn’t make it to many field trips

Sad but true, I always remember there being like one dad and ten moms on every field trip.  I am sure dads could have taken the day off if they really wanted to be there but they didn’t. Moms for whatever reason represented the participating parent.  I don’t recall my dad ever making it to a field trip.

When I was older (umm the present day)

Thing are different now.  Dads are waiting to pick up their children from school.  Not just every now and then but quite frequently.  This change could be happening for many reasons.

  • Maybe the change is due to more telecommuting happening in the work place.
  • Maybe more dads are self employed.
  • Maybe employers are more sympathetic to families.
  • Maybe it’s because of more moms are the bread winners in the family.
  • Maybe there are more stay at home dads.
  • Maybe dads just want to do it.

I am sure it is a combination of everything to some degree but it is encouraging to see.

I wasn’t the only dad

I thought I would be but glad I wasn’t.  In fact there were so many parents that participated in the field trip that I went to that it was almost one parent for every child.  Essentially every parent got to hang out with their child. And this was awesome!  It was a huge turn-out and the teacher had never seen anything like it before.

As for dads participating, about one third of the parents were dads.  How cool is that?  It’s very cool.

doughnuts with dadI think the proof for me that dads are participating more is when I went to one of the last events at my daughters school, Doughnuts with Dad.  I didn’t think many dads would make it on a work day.  To my surprise the cafeteria was packed with dads and grandpas eating a doughnut and hanging out with their child or grandchild.  Most of the dads were dressed as if they had to go to work from there which was even more impressive to me because they made time in their schedule to attend.

A few weeks later there was a day that the school allowed parents to have lunch with their kids at the school.  I was fortunate enough to be able to attend and again there were a significant amount of dads that made it to the event.  I even saw a few of those dads stick around  and play at recess with their kids.  My son and I played soccer with my daughter and her friends.  My son probably had more fun then everyone there because he was at school, during a recess and was playing with the bigger kids.  It was fun to participate and watch.

Anyways, participating dads if your reading this keep up the good work. Keep spending as much time with your children as you can.  Moms if your reading this I would ask that you encourage your husbands to participate as much as possible.

Until next time,


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