Home / Dad Blog / #6: 5 Things I Have Learned as Recent Stay at Home Dad

#6: 5 Things I Have Learned as Recent Stay at Home Dad

Due to some recent changes in our day care situation, my wife and I have decided to forgo putting our children in day for the remainder of the year.  The thought of paying over 1,000 dollars each month for anything less than the daycare provider we were accustom to didn’t seem like a good idea.  Since both my wife and I have semi flexible occupations (I’m a private investigator and my wife’s a manager with a flexible schedule) we have been able to be a bit pickier about what days we work so that we can be home with our son.  In addition this schedule allows or use to take and pickup our daughter from school. You can say I am a stay at home dad at the moment.

At the moment I have been home quite a bit.  I take my daughter to school in the morning and come home.  I then do some article writing and eventually venture out with my son to some fun destination.  With all this at home time, there are a few things I have learned about myself, my children and my wife.

What I have Learned as a Stay at Home Dad

Bonding is Important to me and my children

One of the most important things for me whether being a stay at home dad or not  is to be actively involved in my children’s lives.  I Stay at home dadreally feel blessed that I can do simple things like take my daughter to school and pick her up.  I have been able to make an appearance at my daughter’s school functions as well.  All of these small things have meant a lot to my daughter and a lot to me.  It’s been a blessing to be able to do this every day recently.  Moms and dads should cherish the days they can do this.

My son is not very independent

Being home with my son more has given me a chance to learn more about him.  Aside from his hilarious humor, I have found that he is not very independent.  He is a afraid to do things on his own and doesn’t know/or like to play alone.  He gives up on things to easy if they don’t go his way.

My son is young and this is likely something very natural for his age.  But since becoming aware of this I am more conscious to make him do things on his own and to try to figure things out.  I have made him play by himself for short periods of time (even though he does not like it one bit).  I want him to use his imagination and be self entertained.

My daughter needs more of my attention

My daughter is keeping track of the time I spend with my son since I have been home and I don’t blame her.  If my son gets tickled, she wants to be tickled. If I do something in particular with my son, she wants to do it as well.  This is of course normal.  I need to make some special time for just my daughter and I let her know even more how important she is to me.

I am trying to do more things where just her and I are able to do them.  I am also trying to incorporate her into my hobbies which will allow for more time to be spent together.

My wife is a rock star

Yes, this pretty much sums it up.  My wife works extremely hard and excels in her job.  She comes home almost every day to cook the family dinner after a long day at work.  She is a great and an understanding partner. I am very blessed to have her as a wife.

These are not all ground breaking revelations but they are important to recognize.  I can’t be a better father to my children if I don’t know what they need.


I don’t want to stop working, I just want to work on my terms.  I am very focused at finding a job that fits the needs of my family.

I don’t know how long the stay at home dad thing is going to last but I am going to take advantage of it while I can.  I won’t get a second chance at my children’s childhood so I want to make the most of it.

I would love to hear  what your struggles are with being a stay at home parent (assuming that you struggle with something) Message me through the contact page to let me know your experience.

Thanks for reading,


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